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"SAMNINGUR UM RÉTTINDI FATLAÐS FÓLKS 30. mars 2007". Patients (Disabled People) at a crossroads. - Are human rights respected, which took place on 22 september 2011, to the Hraunseli Flatahraun in Hafnarfjörður! "The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" and thorough consideration of 70% independent living retirement, disability & pension members in Iceland seems to have remained stable, rather than improved considerably if something is wrong. 65th Article. All shall be equal before the law and enjoy human rights irrespective of sex, religion, beliefs, nationality, race, color, property, birth or status otherwise. Men and women shall enjoy equal rights in all respects. 76th Article. All who require it shall be ensured by law entitled to assistance in case of sickness, disability, old age, unemployment, poverty and similar events. All should be guaranteed by law the right to public education and education for everyone. Children shall be guaranteed by law, the protection and care their welfare demands. 74th Article. Association may be established associations for any lawful purpose, including political organizations and trade unions, without applying for permission to do so. A company can not dissolve with the disposal authority. Ban may be on its activities company which is considered illegal purpose, the appeal will be without undue delay proceedings against it to the end court. No one shall be required for membership in the association. By law, however, provide for such an obligation if it is essential to social carry out its functions in the public interest or rights of others. Association may be dissolved loose. Police may be of general meetings. Legislation may be one meeting in the open air if uggvænt seems that from the result in riots. 43rd Article. Consent to be bound by this Agreement. This Agreement is subject to ratification by signatory countries and formal confirmation by regional cooperation by the signatory. Convention shall be open for accession by any State or regional cooperation that has not signed it. 44th Article. Regional cooperation. First "Regional integration organization" means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given area be established and mandated that its members provide it, to take matters to which this Agreement relates. Regional cooperation should be considered, in their instruments of formal confirmation or accession, from the extent of their competence with respect to matters governed by this Convention. They shall subsequently notify the depositary of any change that may arise on behalf of their significance. Second References to "States Parties" in this Agreement apply to the said agencies as far as their powers closer. Third As regards the first paragraph. 45th Article. and 2 and 3 paragraph. 47th Article. this Agreement shall not be included documents that regional cooperation deposits. 4th Regional cooperation can, in matters within the competence of their exercise of voting rights of the Assembly of States Parties with the same number of votes and the number of their member States that are parties to this Agreement indicates. Such an organization shall not exercise its right to vote if any of its members exercising their right to vote and öfugt.erlimála disabled people. Inaccessible to destroy all the education studying more., At the time I tried to clean out the following things from me, but it was left so look out for the position of parents and carers all the time that I was such a great liar and false ... But what about the parents and the management of the men themselves? Should not they be models of their children in life, I just ask? How many people own and grow up with such a childhood where parents and guardian's men are quite straight alkahólistar and consumers w / more through? Destroys and catching it naturally followed based on the? Do not tell me otherwise that this is not ... Below Favorites I follow the result of the final audit memory of graphic design, where I am a freelance unskilled by training and have worked on this on your assumptions. P.s. There is much more content from me and more on the way, but the worst of what the Disabled in Iceland and more., See no dew in the morning sun when such presentable people like me more., Coming to light, it is the barrier for some and it does what it all it can to to make sure that these individuals can experience their use in society on an equal basis with others with the gift of heaven, the Father gave them! How and how long we want to let this go by and perpetuated in our society that public funds are misused in such a way that actually testify in front of our noses every day?! Since such an important agreement relates to the legal status of persons with disabilities and the general patient there in the general society has not been incorporated by the state authority, but have a dust free offer shelf or in a drawer after the return of the envoys of Iceland to New York, where compact UN was signed in March 2006. No one needs to tell me more than Steingrímur live in Reykjavik and indeed where his sons are registered to the home. And in order to get the power he could not if he would registered home in Reykjavik and men like Steingrímur get away with this. But invalids and pensioners on very low wages that generate tiny increase revenue with little effort. They punished me just say where is justice. In all this. So may pensioners and invalids not have a few million in the bank that they have made in quite some time and then just reduce the pension with them. And so it is cut down healthcare system. Because there is not enough money in the country, but it is enough money. To pay ministers travel support and drivers for them. Even although they live only in Reykjavik and check out the country. And we taxpayers We have to pay this. Taxes are raised on us for so damn nonsense. We could cut down by letting ministers cease to be a dedicated driver and drive themselves and stop paying the travel grant. Therefore, they have quite enough reward. Signer's anonymous entity. Hve og hversu lengi viljum við láta þetta líðast og viðgangast í þjóðfélagi okkar að fé almennings sé misnotað á slíkan hátt sem í raun ber vitni um fyrir framan nefið á okkur dag hvern?! Þar sem svo mikilvægur samningur er snýr að réttarstöðu fatlaðs fólks og almennra sjúklinga úti í hinu almenna þjóðfélagi hefur ekki verið lögfestur af hálfu ríkisvaldis, heldur fengið að rykfalla uppá hillu eða ofan í skúffu eftir heimför þessara sendifulltrúa Íslands til New York, þar sem samningur SÞ var undirritaður í mars 2006. Það þarf enginn að segja mér annað en að Steingrímur búi í Reykjavík og örugglega þar sem synir hans eru skráðir til heimilis. Og til að fá ferðastyrk sem hann fengi ekki ef hann yrði skráður til heimilis í Reykjavík og menn eins og Steingrímur komast upp með þetta. En öryrkjar og ellilífeyrisþegar á mjög lágum launum sem afla sér pínulitlum aukatekjum með smá vinnu. Þeim er refsað ég segi bara hvar er réttlætið. Í þessu öllu saman. Svo mega ellilífeyrisþegar og öryrkjar ekki eiga nokkrar milljónir inni á banka sem þeir hafa lagt fyrir í þó nokkurn tíma og þá á bara að skerða lífeyrinn hjá þeim. Og svo er skorið niður í heilbrigðiskerfinu. Því það er ekki til nóg peningur í landinu en það er nóg peningur til. Til að borga ráðherrum ferðastyrk og bílstjóra undir þá. Jafnvel þótt þeir búi bara í Reykjavík og skrái sig út á landi. Og við skattgreiðendur erum að borga þetta. Skattarnir eru hækkaðir á okkur fyrir svona helvítis bull. Til dæmis mætti skera niður með því að láta ráðherrana hætta að vera með einkabílstjóra og keyra sjálfir og hætta að borga þeim ferðastyrk. Því þeir hafa alveg nógu góð laun. Undiritað ónefndur aðili. Please note. Constitutional government of any republic is facing any change noble law in the constitution of each country, will not come to have no remarkable significance by itself to this particular social group of society that is defined as disabled, or in other words, patients here outside in this weird society. The thing is that it is possible to modify and refine these documents related to various laws in the constitution of each country and make it so look good on this case documents associated with this social group by inserting the following paragraphs and articles of law into the constitution of any country at any time, without that have been created to transpose the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities or patients and are these MPs and ministers of each country high doses for such delays! It's one thing to send out from every country and every nation independent manned mission just to write, and write their names on behalf of government, but on the other hand, another complete not complete unfinished works in conjunction with these documents and sign them no matter whether each command individually like it or not, this particular reform for this particular community of individuals, no matter who they are! I often wonder about how my over these questions / my questions to all those that relates to: The matter is simple wound and actually such that it will not change a single matter the outcome of this advisory vote nation veins payment 20th October, nk, will come to have resulted in a slight second, improved variation of the current constitution law no. 33/1944 in the garden of the individuals identified are mentally and physically disabled, ill or patients in general terms, when you have not won your homework to finish that transpose the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities How and how long this particular group of citizens of the community need to linger like leftover scraps and if there is here: o??? Will the public outside of society to have this as a rushing wind of ears, in other words, accept it, and as things have never happened :/?! Resignation of the following individuals is respectively required and requested by the citizens! Thank you. 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