23.6.2013 | 12:39
"HELP" - "Cry from the other side, - What we have a government if it does not take account of the progress and development given conditions?
Honestly it is a lot underneath I'm far from being satisfied, let alone be satisfied with where we men are are what usually counted and sakbendir the perpetrators of various sexual samneitum plus acts, but rarely is the female balance out The documents and recognizes accusation because of how we have managed to develop this community a twisted way and manner.
When I reach the eyes and ears of the reader here with this?!
The main reason that I write and write this here now but not long before the primary that delayed diagnosis which I learned by myself which is consistent ...
All administration, social welfare and uterine part of the episode has failed completely, including Housing and most importantly through and the involvement of real estate agent in each office for, respectively, although the one particular certain is here to discuss the parents and guardian my men have denied me the way I am is facing less medical history and condition, it they just wanted no. 1, 2 and 3 were just the best and most advanced thinking and thus usually the most sane person even erectile alcohol, because both my parents and guardians are alkali ...
The case is also such that within each of socialism and political movements for certain types of animals that folder simply allowed all hell, no matter who and how brotalömin is high then keep these Bureaucrats always their role or entering the area between stations.
Enables this something with you on the bulb?
At least this has been so in my case, and I've sat on the back burner and got nowhere remedy less mean, only where Bureaucrats then former minister and more. as well as other ad hoc staff Real Estate Office Fund and had me fool enough because I got the most conflict with my father because of lack of understanding, etc. From the analysis less for homework, domestic violence, witnesses of domestic violence as well as psychological and physical bullying in school and more.
But it does no character or essence to such person like me should live with and deal with post-traumatic stress as a result of a general survey of this and what is so smooth on the whole not care about how I (he) passes within the chest?!
So in other words:
I have come to the place in life to be back to square one in the gutter, just waiting for free space there as elsewhere!
It's been a persistent stable unsafe situation for me since August 2003 and has not really changed or improved since this rótlausa and I am ashamed not to call this administration rótlausa, because I have repeatedly come onto these issues that individuals from my ranks that can, in one way with or without the involvement of her family put aside for the future of life if such encounter to seek assistance from felons and they find that the person concerned is a car or something else comparable plus accumulated savings is all pulled ahead of them, yes, the entire support system to be called maintenance and additional savings are all swept away because of this dumb administrative rules they expect him late at last to challenge and change society towards this group! ...
Now in recent times and hours, the situation with the following symptoms in anticipation of my brain damage at birth ...
Forget names and what has been decided.
Disease insight and reality relations:
Overestimated its capabilities.
Disparage their problems or blame others or others. (I readily admit that I did more in his younger years but have more go in advising others, but I must say, however, better fewer words because they carry less responsibility, because I'm such a soup seiðið of the harvest now to those friends I have though most care about got to live and rent deposit with, because I blamed for his character, the way she is and was created, no matter whether it is hot tempered or not, but I could endlessly þvælst out of these conversations, but I am not going to do it here, but he has discarded me out on the street, despite the fact that I was so good and subprime identically using vehicle power mine to buy a car for a year because he needed a car at the time and could not been without a car and then being rewarded me so easy out of love specifically on the grounds that I'm destroy.a for ladies / a I had indirect involvement in the dreams he found the girl of his dreams for the future of their relationship both)
Perspective, planning and initiatives:
Hard to plan your day and keep track of what you have decide.
Hard to start work and initiative. (It is sometimes)
Fatigue and lack of endurance:
All projects take longer than before.
Has not the stamina to complete projects.
Behavior and Emotions:
Cries and laughs without intending it. (I'd often that breaks into tears because of all that I've gone through and suffered but unfortunately I just can not because of my position, deep down, I want euthanasia to be implemented so that I can speed up the less movement now because I was upbraided the main reason for útburði but is not, because the beloved "best" my friend has had a tenant of his apartment due to certain circumstances where the town and I geld for it, so act krosstré the other tree ")
Become irritable, gives up quickly or becomes depressed.
Lacking confidence and self-esteem. (Why do you think it is? Answers are provided below and through my other writing here match)
Other symptoms:
Paralysis of the muscles can cause instance diplopia, lameness or impaired finger dexterity.
Sleep disturbance.
Mental and physical endurance solvent.
The reason that I write and write this down here is how the silent has been great in my case no matter where I look so then I decided to knit wrapping in the history of this buildup.
The most worst thing in this whole thing together overall assessment is that when a person is kindly asked / n not to go with these things further, however, with the same all close aware of this, this is just silenced silence and quietly.
Thus, the issue is that often in most cases, reports of abuse syndromes person, same with any analysis to refer to from time to time, be allowed to drop for lack of evidence and proof burdens, let alone when these individuals are not included credible and severe in private dealings with his fellow citizens, and it is this man that much unfortunately come.
In my case this was following and I stress that this narrative secretaries down here now for the first time 2 decades and over 3rjú years.
Just so you know that I do not come onto this square point of my life that caused or contributed to my life umturnaðist in one moment, what relates to sexuality, kynáttu kynáttuvanda and more.
This has always served me as an obstacle and burden to bear since I've seen both of liken similar articles through certain specific websites and newspaper articles, and rapid increase in suicides.
But not for enacting euthanasia instead of standing in tight to publish and notify to the print and broadcast media about the increased incidence of suicide, asks the author?!
It lacks pretty much offer with administration here on this blessed our country, Iceland, to make a decent distinction at the time period in which these persons, either around my age, sooner or later, only came into the world, then, for example, no Internet yet or intermittent very scarce, as well as all GR and became parents and guardians to obtain a municipal libraries, right and proper for me?
There might be times that these government employees thought 2013 would have been for over three decades, etc.. years but not in 1980 is taken into account, there are any "own computers or other similar electronic devices, or can get from point A - B after having been able to send mail from your personal computer or from the public sector, for example from municipal library .
What is their really good with this, they expand and harden public participation MPs and ministers with this?
But in connection with this over a 2 decades and suppressed memories associated with them:
How would you, the general public react if I told you that dark ugly secret that I have stayed lying all this time the age old fully recovered sane aunt my mother's side had abused me, a person with symptoms of brain damage due to anticipation of stroke and insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, sexually when we were 10-12 years old and she had full consciousness and codependence for what she had been doing to me?!
During my visit at the time she deceived me down in the basement and this began with some games struck and so she asked me to follow up upto room etc..
I can go on and on with these descriptions around these visits my mother and my younger siblings, but I just heal not so today.
The second incident was when a person that I met around my primary school. He was four years younger than me and invited me several times to his home into his room and he always gave a different reason than the fact remained and later came to light during the day in recent times and the time that he was ready to start a family and come a girlfriend, etc..
Do you find this normal development?!
References to links related to overall assessment center:
Meginflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Aukaflokkar: Kjaramál, Lífstíll, Utanríkismál/alþjóðamál | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:40 | Facebook
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